An Eye For Music

Two weeks ago, my musician friend Randy Granger asked me to accompany him to the City of Rocks State Park, north of Deming, in order to shoot some footage for a music video. March and April have been extremely busy months for me, but despite having a hectic schedule and those ever-present deadlines nipping at my heels, I agreed to do so. Mainly because I relished the idea of getting out of my house for a few hours and into the sunshine, but also because he threw in a stop at the Faywood Hot Springs for a soak afterwards. He does know how to twist my arm, albeit gently.

The day was blustery and the rocks crawling with tourists, which was odd considering it was the middle of the week. Still, we were somehow able to capture enough footage to put together what I think is a pretty good video for Randy’s song “Deep Peace To You,” which appears on the album, “Strong Medicine.”

I was sore for days afterwards, after climbing boulders and jumping into washes to capture different angles, but I think it was all worth it. Because of my schedule, it took a few days to get a final edit, but I’m pretty happy with what we accomplished. Especially considering we had no budget, no crew (except Randy’s constant companion Michael, who schlepped his musical instruments and worked the light reflectors for me) and minimal equipment.

Now, before you get too deep into this, I feel compelled to tell you I have never taken a film editing class. Hell, I’ve never taken a film class, for that matter. Everything I know, I’ve learned in the trenches and by asking a lot of questions when I have access to experts. I do enjoy the work, though. It’s a much different creative process than writing. Still storytelling, but it uses different creative juices. It also gives me an outlet for my love of music and allows me to exercise my fascination for sound layering.

All of which is my way of saying, this is not a professional product by any stretch of the imagination, but rather an amateur encapsulation of the independent music aesthetic. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

So, preamble aside, check out the finished product at my Vimeo site. If you’re so inclined, you can also check out some of my other film and editing projects while you’re there. The flak in me also suggests you check out Randy’s music. His latest album, “Ancient Grace” has been getting a lot of airplay on radio stations across the country, including Sirius Soundscapes, Music Choice and Pandora. The track “Ancestor’s Lament,” from that album, has been nominated for a 2015 New Mexico Music Award under the Best Native American category.

Meanwhile, I should get back to my regularly scheduled climacteric.

Where the past meets the present, musically.
Where the past meets the present, musically.

4 thoughts on “An Eye For Music

  1. Reblogged this on Compassion Chronicles and commented:
    Some insight from my filmmaker (albeit defacto) friend David Salcido. Why we work well together is that we are both diy jump in feet first, doers. We don’t wait for that $5K camera or have a wardrobe crew. We aren’t even sure what we are doing looks in the least polished or even good. But, we do know it will never be bad or schlock. Filmmakers of note, including George Lucas, were told repeatedly they didn’t know what they were doing, had no skill or talent. The list is endless in that regard. If you’re an artist you have to tell your story the way you know it with what you got. No excuses, no delay. Just do it yourself if you have to. We did. I think it tells our story quite well and am proud of the work David, myself and sherpa Michael did. What do you think? We had a budge of money for gas, food, an SD card and a soak for three ($27) at Faywood Hot Springs afterwards. My treat for the crew. Always take care of you peeps.

  2. I think you told this story as well as could be told David. Beautiful editing. Tasteful choices. Thank you for your determination, vision, sheer nose to the grindstone work. I’m glad you didn’t fall off that boulder to get the shot in the 45MPG winds that day. – Your friend in all things creative, Randy

    1. You know the worst part? I didn’t even use any of the footage I got from atop that boulder, mainly because I was fighting the wind so much I couldn’t hold the camera steady. Hah! Too much fun. Let’s do it again!

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